Friday, January 14, 2011

More Brisbane Flood Shots

Yesterday afternoon, after the flood peak, I sent a couple of junior reporters out into the danger zone with my camera to get some snaps. As editor that is my perogative! S and I stayed home and watched Matilda on the DVD.
They did very well, and the photos follow. The first few were taken from the cliffs at Kangaroo Point where the TV crews had established themselves.

The coffee shop where the TV crews are must have made an absolute fortune, with the 24 hour coverage by the news and all the sight seers. The next few shots were taken at the Riverside Centre after the water had subsided a bit.

The next few are streets in the CBD. I don't know the area enough to name them, maybe a reader will let me know.

Cleaning up. This is the worst bit as there is no end of nasty stuff. Son 25 says it really stinks, the mud left behind.

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